Crosley 68TA Restoration

I purchased this Crosley 68TA in the fall of 2020 for $20. The cosmetic restoration process involved cleaning the chassis, polishing the Bakelite cabinet, and designing a new dial scale as the old one had become warped and discolored with age. For the electrical portion of the restoration, I replaced all the old paper and electrolytic capacitors, out of tolerance resistors, the dead audio output transformer, and added a fuse and new line cord. I will be revisiting this radio at some point to fix the power switch, which proved to be intermittent, and to redo the dial, as I had some issues with the plastic I used. The pictures you see below are what the radio looked like after the restoration. They were also posted on the Antique Radio Forums.

Exterior of the radio before restoration

Underside of the radio's chassis before restoration

Exterior of the radio after restoration

Underside of the radio's chassis after restoration

Here's a look at designing the new dial scale in the GIMP. The old dial was heated with a blowtorch before being scanned in a flatbed scanner. I then was able to copy the old design and have a decal produced.
Download link for the dial artwork

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